Day 7 Of A 14 Day Water Fast

Posted: May 3, 2010 in Don Tolman, Healthy Fruit And Lifestyle
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Half Way There!!!

Today is Day 7 of a 14 Day Water Fast.

I am feeling mixed emotions today. So much so that I went for my morning walk, walking a bit longer than I thought I could walk. I am happy that I have reached this far, yet at the same time wondering how I can keep going for another week. I am tired, and yet at the same time I feel lighter than I have felt in a very long time.

My tongue feels so funny, like a thick layer on top. I have brushed my teeth that many times, but still can feel it. I also think that going to a Birthday Party was a very big challenge. I am grateful that my good friend at the party backed up my fast, and only offered water to me.

How Can I Stay Stong For Another Week?

I feel like I want to keep going, yet making dinner for the boys today was different. I love Chicken and Vegetable Soup – its my all time favorite. I put in at least 10 Vegetables, and Chinese Egg Noodles. Dishing up dinner was funny. I put out a bowl for myself when dishing up 🙂

I am drinking Herbal Teas to help with fluids, and to keep awake. It’s amazing to see how the body can respond. One moment I feel very strong, and then the next the mind is playing games with me. It is like a yo-yo effect. “Stay Strong”. “Forget and Eat”.

“Not yet….Keep to Water”

“Have the yummy Dinner”

“Think about it first”

And so the games begins. Which will win at the end is the big question?

Determined to keep on going.

Tomorrow is Day 8 Of A 14 Day Water Fast. Tomorrow I am more than 1/2 way there 🙂

Looking forward to seeing how I keep to my goal.  Looking forward to connecting with others that are also on a Water Fast.


  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by lisa wood. lisa wood said: Day 7 Of A 14 Day Water Fast: […]

  2. […] seeing Don Tolman I went onto a 14 day water fast, and have since change my way of eating. I eat fresh food, and eat dinner at 4.00 pm – after […]